
The Truly Transformative Power of Skilled Psychedelic Use: A (sort of) Spiritual Manifesto from Psychedelic Visionary Chris Bache.
Blog Chris Bache Psychedelics Book Series

The Truly Transformative Power of Skilled Psychedelic Use: A (sort of) Spiritual Manifesto from Psychedelic Visionary Chris Bache.

The Birth of the Future Human, by Chris Bache
Blog Chris Bache Episode 1 Psychedelics Book Series

The Birth of the Future Human, by Chris Bache

Psilocybin Mushroom Wizard Acacea Lewis
Acacea Lewis video

Psilocybin Mushroom Wizard Acacea Lewis

“Seeing Through the Smoke” –  Cannabis specialist Peter Grinspoon MD untangles the truth.
Peter Grinspoon MD video

“Seeing Through the Smoke” – Cannabis specialist Peter Grinspoon MD untangles the truth.

Psychedelics for Trauma and Addiction – Dr. Dominique Morisano
Dr. Dominique Morisano video

Psychedelics for Trauma and Addiction – Dr. Dominique Morisano

Flavio Santi: Master Ecuadorian Plant Medicine Healer on StephenGray Vision.
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Flavio Santi: Master Ecuadorian Plant Medicine Healer on StephenGray Vision.

Ayahuasca Awakenings: Interview with Rev Dr.Jessica Rochester
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Ayahuasca Awakenings: Interview with Rev Dr.Jessica Rochester

Psychedelics, Meditation, & Kriya Yoga. Interview with Keith Lowenstein MD.
Keith Lowenstein video

Psychedelics, Meditation, & Kriya Yoga. Interview with Keith Lowenstein MD.

Salvia: The Misunderstood Healer – Christopher Solomon Interview
Christopher Solomon video

Salvia: The Misunderstood Healer – Christopher Solomon Interview

Ayahuasca and Tobacco: Culture-Shifting Insights from Jeremy Narby – on StephenGray Vision
Jeremy Narby video

Ayahuasca and Tobacco: Culture-Shifting Insights from Jeremy Narby – on StephenGray Vision

Psychedelics: from Shamanism to Science: Dr. Maya Shetreat Interview
Maya Shetreat

Psychedelics: from Shamanism to Science: Dr. Maya Shetreat Interview

Bill Richards Psychedelic Pioneer Interview
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Bill Richards Psychedelic Pioneer Interview

The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, with Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.
Marguerite Rigoglioso video

The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, with Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.

Coca for the People: A Necessary Reappraisal – with Wade Davis
video Wade Davis

Coca for the People: A Necessary Reappraisal – with Wade Davis

Psilocybin Mushrooms’ Sacred Healing Power: Interview with Tom Lane.
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Psilocybin Mushrooms’ Sacred Healing Power: Interview with Tom Lane.

Psychedelic Guide Manual: Mark Haden Interview re-edited
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Psychedelic Guide Manual: Mark Haden Interview re-edited

MIT Scientist Transforms Life With Psychedelics
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MIT Scientist Transforms Life With Psychedelics

Indigenous Thinking to Save the World.
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Indigenous Thinking to Save the World.

Chris Bache Inspirational Solstice Message
Chris Bache video

Chris Bache Inspirational Solstice Message

Huachuma: The Sacred Cactus Whose Times Has Come: Laurel Sugden on StephenGray Vision
Laurel Sugden video

Huachuma: The Sacred Cactus Whose Times Has Come: Laurel Sugden on StephenGray Vision

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